The inspiration behind Jason's Race and the idea of relaying kindness onward. John Stitler, founder of Jason's Race, speaks on the memory of his late son and his choice to live with love rather than hate and despair.
We are all running this race called life. The race begins at birth and none of us know exactly when we will cross the finish line. My son, Jason Thomas Stiteler, crossed the finish line on February 27, 2021, when he was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver while walking right in front of my Orlando apartment. Shock, anger, and depression began to engulf my life.
Since Jason’s death, I have come to realize that our lives are not individual races, but rather part of a universal team relay. Jason stumbled and fell often during his race, but he finished well. He always had a special compassion and generosity for the homeless and less fortunate. He had inscribed in his journal the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “I have decided to stick with love… Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
I have decided to stick with love... Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Jason also had a strong desire to one day be able to help others through counseling. He benefited greatly from therapy over the years and his plan was to one day work with me at Total Health Guidance. Jason finished his race before that vision could become reality, however, that dream did not die with him. Jason wasn’t running a solo race – he was just one member of the relay team. When Jason crossed his finish line, he passed the baton to those of us who are still willing to continue the journey.
I have recently created a non-profit to help facilitate ways in which we can grab that baton and continue to run well. I have named the organization Jason’s Race ( in honor of my son. This charity will provide financial scholarships to other young people who need therapy for mental health issues like depression, anxiety, trauma, and addictions. It will also serve as a catalyst for providing acts of kindness and generosity in keeping with Jason’s desire to “stick with love.”
I can’t begin to tell you how much it would mean to me if you would you be willing to grab the baton. Please consider making a donation to Jason’s Race and, along with every financial donation, we are requesting that you also do another act of kindness as a way of carrying that baton. Those other acts could include things like: Buying a meal for a homeless person, leaving an extra-large tip for a service worker, sending a card to someone, paying for the person in front or behind you in line, or volunteering for another charity. The options are endless.
If you choose to donate, please use the comment section to let us know what act of kindness you chose to support your fellow runners in this race of life. This can also be a way to honor other friends and family members who have finished their leg of the race. Consider making a donation and offering an act of kindness in their honor and according to their passions. Please - grab the baton and let’s continue the journey!